Thursday, May 10, 2007

Welcome and Purpose

Welcome to Angry Young Woman's blog.

I chose this name because it relates to two of my idols, Yoko Ono and Alanis Morissette, whose words, actions and visions have helped shape me into the feminist I am today. Angry and skeptical, but with hope as to how I may be able to help facilitate change in a world that would rather ignore its inherent misogyny, sexism, racist, classism, ableism, heterosexism - you name it - and continue to allow the majority of its population fall victim to these discriminations.

You may have heard of the different "waves" of feminism that have taken place throughout the 20th century. I proudly operate in the tradition of the second wave, but with the belief that the tenets of the third wave are essential in identifying and addressing issues of concern to feminists in our current place and time in history. This means I subscribe to the notion of a "universal sisterhood" and have a particular interest in women's reproductive rights and roles in and out of the workplace, but with the qualifier that one must always question one's assumptions and constructions about everything surrounding her - including the experiences, points of view and motivations of other women and feminists।

The purpose of this blog is to incite response, whether it be thought, action or calling me a dirty commie - if you've responded to what you've read in the blog postings or comments, I've accomplished my goal. Comments are enabled for anyone. If you make derogatory, discriminatory or downright hateful comments, they will be moderated at my discretion - after they have been left up for a time to speak for your hate, ignorance and weak argument. Though there may be some who agree with you that an effective way for arguing against a woman's right to choose is by calling me a baby killer, there are an equal number of people who will automatically discount your point of view for this attack. I will return to the comments pages and engage in discussion with those who post, as this is an essential part of e-activism (more on that later).

So, now that I've got my qualifiers out of the way, here we go!

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